BATTLE ROYALS ECONOMY ADJUSTMENT “Thanks to the new Coin Machine and multiple ways to obtain coins, getting your hands on the FF Coins you need to buy supplies or revive your teammates has never been easier. You can now say goodbye to the days of struggling to loot coins or watching it all get snapped up by your teammates.” New FF Coin source: Coin Machine Appears at fixed locations on the maps and is marked on the mini map. » When you approach the Coin Machine, every member of the team will automatically get 288 FF Coins. » Coin Machines that have been interacted with cannot be used again by teammates. Coin Machines that have been interacted with can still be used again by players from other teams. Obtain 188 FF Coins when you eliminate an enemy. Adjustment to FF Coins after being eliminated: » Drop only 48% owned FF Coins when you are eliminated. » Ifyou get revived, you will retain 38% of your FF Coins from before, up to a maximum of 388 FF Coins. NEW ITEMS items to ...
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